Monday, 13 April 2015

Arbonne Energy Fizz Sticks Review

These days we all seem to live very busy lives! Always on the go, whether it be work, study, children, hobbies, working out, eating healthy, socializing or all of the above, we find ourselves turning to sugary energizing drinks when our energy begins to run low. But those energy drinks can be very high in sugar and other not so good things that we should really not be putting into our body. But yet they are still so convenient.

So recently I did a little searching around to try and find an energy drink that wasn't so bad for me and that I would not get that guilty calorie conscience for after drinking and didn't cost a fortune either. That is when I came across Arbonne and found a lovely representative close by that was able to give me a few samples to try out for myself.

So what is Arbonne? Arbonne sells a huge array of products, from skin care and cosmetics, nutrition and more. They are all about going green and ensuring their products and packaging are all Earth friendly and only use ingredients that are of exceptional quality, safety, value and have benefits and products that show results.

Now to get into what I trialed out. I tried the Citrus and Pomegranate Energy Fizz Sticks. It recommends you have about 1 sachet to a cup of water but some people like it stronger or weaker than others so I was drinking it to about 350mls to 1 sachet.

Below is a little about the product that I found on their website...

"What a kickstarter. When you start to feel the afternoon sleepies, stir in a fizz stick to create a refreshing bubbly drink when you start to feel tired to temporarily help promote alertness and enhance cognitive performance◊, help promote endurance and enhance motor performance◊, and help reduce fatigue.◊ Contains antioxidants and a botanical blend of green tea, guarana and ginseng, combined with B vitamins and chromium, to help boost energy.◊"
Does it do what it says?... Yes it is a great alternative to normal energy drinks and I found it gives that exact same kick of energy a normal energy drink would give and best of all it was completely guilt free as it is only 13 calories per drink!!

Another fantastic thing is it costs $48 for 30, that's only $1.60 per energy drink! (I also hear it is cheaper for members) and it gets delivered to your doorstep!

In the above picture is the citrus flavor which is very refreshing especially on these hot Australian days. Both flavors are fizzy too! Simply poor into a cup or jug or drink bottle, add your desired amount of cold water (recommend 1 cup per sachet, however I liked my wear so added 350mls of water per sachet). It tastes best with nice cold refrigerated water. 

And the above picture is of the Pomegranate flavor, which I was warned is an acquired taste, apparently you either love it or hate it. I personally loved it! In fact this is my favorite flavor of the two! There is a third flavor too, it is known as the tropical flavor, which is made by mixing these two flavors together and it is really yummy too! And very refreshing!

If you wish to try or just research the product for yourself or any of their many other products, the link to their website is below.

Thank you for reading! Keep checking back for reviews and don't forget to check out and like my Facebook Pages!

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Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Review - Reduxion Gel by Greatskin (Real-U Face Gel)

When I first got this I was really excited to trial this product, especially because I am a blogger and I love sharing my experiences with different products with all my subscribers and followers. I naturally have normal to dry skin and I am not one to get many pimples. 
When I first opened the tube of the Reduxion Gel by Greatskin I immediately smelt this fresh yet subtle and calm and not too fragrant scent which i really enjoyed as a lot of skin care products are over powering with a strong fragrant scent which can make me very wary as to what I am put on my skin but this one had a nice, calming, subtle scent.
When I put it on to my finger it appeared to have a light  glossy and silky texture in which when i rubbed between my fingers it felt very nice and smooth and silky so was really excited about applying it to my face. I made sure I washed my face first and did not use any other product(s) with the Reduxion Gel by Greatskin during my time of trialing it. I didn't need much at all in fact a small 5 cent piece was plenty for my face and neck as it spreads really well, I like a product that does this as it means it will last longer so more value for money. After applying it instantly gave my face a refreshing clean glow and it felt really light on, it was not sticky or cakey, in fact I couldn't feel it at all which was really nice and to touch my face felt like soft silk.
For the first couple of weeks I applied as directed, I avoided wearing makeup where I could and did not use it with any other products. All was going well, so i tried to fit it in to my normal routine, now several things could of been the cause of what I am about to say for example we were just going in to some really hot weather and I did just deliberately change my regime with the Reduxion Gel by Greatskin to try and get it to fit in with my routine, however I did find that I started to get a few pimples which was very unusual for me. As I said it could of been a number of things, the gel may of reacted badly with my mineral makeup I was using, or it could of been because I had just started back at a gym and was sweating whilst doing my workouts which opens pores more, or as I mentioned before the heat as climate was rapidly changing at this stage going in to Summer. So i thought I would try it again without the makeup and going to the gym and it seemed to work fine again.
So all in all it is a beautiful feeling product that can work, depending on your skin type.

And because of this I give it 4/5 stars.

After I trialed this product, Greatskin emailed and announced the name of this new product which will soon be available on the market call "Face Gel" by "Real-U" for $25

Thank you for reading! And don't forget to keep an eye out for this product if you wish to try it yourself at....

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